Friday, June 20, 2008


So, contrary to what I expected, I have been neglecting this thing since I stopped traveling, which I think is pretty weak so I am not even going to bother with excuses.

My life these days consists primarily of working. I am a construction materials testing technician at the same engineering company that my mother works for. Its a pretty legitimate hustle and I have been enjoying it thus far. At the least it keeps me busy since I try to work Saturdays in addition to the workweek. My primary role in the company so far has been to transport concrete samples between job sites in Chapel Hill and the laboratory in Greensboro. I also play with soils to ensure their competency as building materials.

When I am not working I am likely hanging out with friends. Lots of basketball, shooting the breeze, and sleeping outdoors. Since I have been back I have been sleeping in my driveway on a mattress on a regular basis because I just love sleeping underneath the stars and the weather has been nice. This week my brother and I started an experiment to see how many consecutive days we can sleep out- today marks #5 and I don't have any intentions of stopping just yet. Most nights we have friends of some sort joining us. So far the record is set at 7 people but this Monday we are trying to break 10 people. We are easily amused. I think the fact that I choose to sleep outside at my own house says a lot about my character...

So besides working 6 days a week and hanging out with excellent people, I haven't really spent much time by myself, which is fine. I haven't even been watching movies the way that I used to. Not much book reading either which I agree is pretty weak.

Next weekend I am heading to western NC to do some camping with a friend. We have hopes of tasting native edible plants and building primitive shelters. Somewhere in there I intend on swimming in a lake because its been too long since I jumped in a natural body of water (although none of the lakes in North Carolina are technically "natural").

As always, life is good. I am embracing it for all that it is worth and I am more than content. No big plans for the rest of summer yet but I am convinced that everything will work out perfectly. Cheers.