Monday, November 30, 2015

October and November

A few random shots from the past 4-6 weeks.

In early October we did some climbing in Castlewood Canyon state park.

And a few weeks later we stayed in an awesome cabin in the Sangre de Cristo range, on the east rim of the San Luis valley. 

We've had a pretty snowy November, and Lena loves it as much as I do.  Photo credits to the coach, this has got to be one of my favorite pictures.

And we also went 4wheeling in Pike NF.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Overdue Wyoming / Yellowstone Update

This year I crossed off something that's been on my list for a long time: Yellowstone.  We spent 9 nights on the road, and had the most ideal late-September weather.  It didn't rain not once, and our luck overall was fantastic.  Here are the highlights:

Morning #1.  Guerilla camping in the Wind River foothills, waking up to cows on the horizon.

 Day 2: Brown Trout, Lewis Lake, Yellowstone.  Delicious.

Day 2(?): Spring near old faithful.

 Day 3: Yellowstone River.

 Day 4(?): Nic caught a beautiful cut-throat in Yellowstone Lake.

 Day 5: Our campsite in the Bechler Meadows of Yellowstone.

 Day 6: Bechler River, SW Yellowstone

 Day 6: Thermal feature in the area known as Ferris Fork.  What's most amazing about these springs is that they are at least 12 miles from the nearest parking lot, plus or minus.

 Day 6: Another shot of thermal waters from the Bechler River Valley.

Day 7/8: Sun setting in the Snowy Range (Medicine Bow NF) in Southern Wyoming on our way back. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Beginning of Autumn in the Rockies

Made it out into the backcountry over the weekend for the first taste of autumn.  Lena and I did a 12 mile loop through the Buffalo Peaks Wilderness in Pike NF.  Conditions were excellent and we only ran into a few people out for labor day weekend.  Brought my fishing pole but never bothered to cast a line because access was a little difficult without waders.  Nonetheless, I did see plenty of fish and a ton of birds. 

Some of the are aspens beginning to turn yellow depending on the aspect and elevation.

hiking = rodent hunting for Lena.  She never stops.  Ever.

I chose my camp site because of the view, but I probably should have picked something less exposed. 

The fall colors were very noticeable looking down valley in the morning.

And that about wraps it up.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Here we go again...

Time for me to get back in this.  Here's a few highlights from the summer thus far.

 West Spanish peak, one of my favourite corners of Colorado. San Isabel NF.

 Lena as we push for Trinchera peak in the Culebra range, south Colorado, a bit west of the Spanish peaks.  San Isabel NF.

View from my camping spot in the Gore range.  Unnamed lake, Eagle's Nest Wilderness, north of Vail.  White River NF.